Wednesday 19 March 2014

Cinema Desire

According to philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Zizek Cinema is the ultimate pervert art. It doesn’t give you what you desire, it tells you how to desire. The problem is not if our desires are satisfied but rather, what should we desire. And that's what cinema tells us. It controls our minds way of thinking and gives us ideas what we should desire and what we must believe.

There is nothing spontaneous, nothing natural,  about human desires. Our desires are artificial. We have to be taught to desire. Like for example, a lot of people owns an Iphone and as you discover more people buying it you are having a desire to own one, too. We need to have a basis on what we should desire. That's why cinema is can manipulate our way of thinking will we are stoked to its story.

Sometimes in films there are unrealistic scenes but you are still affected and that's what made you believe the scene can happen to real life because that's what you saw.

One good example is the film, Matrix. The film shows two very opposite worlds, the dream and reality world. It makes us want to have a real dream world.

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